Cell For Divyangjan
Understanding and accommodating the students with disability has become a central focus in higher education. Differently abled Students/Equal Opportunities Cell came into existence in S.D. College to strive towards empowerment of persons with disability by promoting equal opportunity, protection of rights and full participation in college activities. The cell maintains the complete record of differently-abled students through a special committee that includes faculty members, differently-abled students as well as their parents. The cell is fundamentally focused on creating a disabled friendly environment in the campus. Keeping in view the need of their mobility and independent functioning, the campus has been made more conducive for differently-abled students by providing various facilities like wheel chair, ramps, small chairs etc. The cell also provides counseling, creates awareness about their capabilities and assesses the educational needs and assistive devices to be procured for these students. It monitors the implementation of all existing UGC policies for such students in the campus. Differently-abled students are also assisted to get successful employment in the public as well as private sectors. The cell regularly conducts awareness programs for faculty to enhance responsiveness about the approaches in teaching and evaluation procedures to be employed in such cases.
Cell Members
Prof. Upasana Rani, Coordinator 9417387665
Prof. Riya